CLOUD COMPUTING helps businesses to reduce costs (Pay as you use), scale efficiently and innovate more easily. Cloud helps businesses manage commodity IT and focus on truly differentiating and value creating aspects of their businesses.

Cloud provides opportunities to reduce capital and operational expenditure, improve service quality and responsiveness through automation, scale digital aspects of the business efficiently and drive business innovation with emerging tech.

Savings on CAPEX and OPEX

Cloud Computing enables CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) savings as businesses no longer need to invest in costly infrastructure.

The very nature of the cloud, reduces OPEX (Operational Expenditure) that would be very difficult, if not impossible to replicate in an on premises environment. Things like:

Pay for what you use with automation and scripts designed to flex the infrastructure to meet the peaks and valleys of your business needs.

Standardized SKUs that allow you to quickly and easily turn up new resources without having to spec and test them for performance and compatibility.

Disaster recovery that is built in and automatically expands and contracts as your usage changes.

Built in intelligence that monitors the health of the system.

The Cloud Platform Services market is highly competitive and economies of scale through cloud can be enjoyed by small, medium and large businesses alike. Most importantly, businesses can focus on their core business model, Instead of spending huge time and money trying to do what others do a whole lot better and cheaper.

The benefits of Cloud Computing are substantial. Reduced CAPEX, OPEX, and operational risk, increased scalability and simplified operational management and provisioning. Innovation is further enabled by Cloud.

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